In Paris, in France

I've posted a few pictures from the trip my wife and I took to Paris earlier this year on this site, but I don't think I've made a daily post about it yet. The reason I’m not posting pictures from the last couple of days is that I'm trying to take a little break between when I take photos and when I look at them. More and more, I'm realizing that a huge part of photography is just figuring out which of your own images are really good. I'm hoping that a day or two break will help me detach a bit from the pics I just took and look at them more objectively.

This week, I picked up the book "Magnum Contact Sheets" and have been flipping through it. On one hand, since I didn't take the photos I'm looking at, it's easier for me to see why the photo that ended up being used was chosen. But on the other hand, it's pretty clear how much skill it takes to choose the best image. I sometimes find myself looking at a contact sheet for a few minutes, comparing the photos that didn't make the cut to the one the photographer (or editor) chose. Most of the time, I can figure out why they chose the one they did. But sometimes, I need to read the text to get it or it just doesn't quite click for me.

These three images are from January 2023.


A flash and a bang


Do my dreaming and my scheming